I was doing some research this week reading various blogs and news articles and decide to write down some of the statistics that caught my eye. A set of these statistics focussed on Twitter and how people are using the service to take action.
How Good is Your Profile?
The Linkulator allows you to grade your profile and compare it to the Average LinkedIn user (at least of those who have completed it). It takes a couple of minutes and will provide you with a numeric score of your profile, display the average user score, and then it classifies your score and provides some tips on how to improve your profile.
LinkedIn’s What Are You Working On?
Sean is working on helping a client with their health insurance because they contacted me after seeing my last “What are you working on?” post. On Twitter they would be responding to my Tweet. I’m still working on learning Twitter so I’m not sure what a response to a Tweet is. On LinkedIn that response is called a “new Lead”, “New business” and “new client”.
Posting what you’re working on is a lot like fishing. You’re casting your bait hoping that someone bites.
Why Do People Join LinkedIn Groups?
Back in the old days, pre group discussions or a searchable group directory (less than a year ago), there wasn’t much value in groups. Sure they helped you see other members outside of your network. You could contact those members, but there really wasn’t a significant way to interact and build community.
I finally resorted to creating a non-LinkedIn site to provide that sense of community for one group (www.northfultonbg.com). With the addition of the searchable directory and the discussions features the equation changed. Now you can interact with others. The problem is that few people are participating.
Can You Change the Order of Your Current Positions on LinkedIn?
Most of my posts tend to be long topical posts. This means that lately I’m writing a new post about every two weeks. I’ve decided to try and post more frequently so I will be adding tips and questions that I receive into mini-posts. I’ll still write the longer post, but hopefully this will increase […]