Do you have a Places or Community page for your business? If so you may be at risk of your information being hijacked and changed by visitors.
Social Media
Two Cool Website Tools
Two web design tools that I’ve discovered that simplify creating html and css layouts, and help you create custom color palettes.
YouTube Infographic
A YouTube Infographic that contains interesting facts and usage statistics.
When to Tweet?
A recent tool that I discovered is When to Tweet that analyzes when your followers are active and gives you a personalized recommendation on what the best time of day for you to tweet is.
Putting the Social Web to Work
Most successful businesses have an overall business plan that likely includes an individual marketing plan. It makes sense, right. So why, when I talk to people about social media, do I find many that have no social media plan?
Social Media Allows David to Out-Market Goliath
Ten years ago LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook did not exist. Twenty years ago hardly anyone had a personal computer. Thirty years ago Cable Television was just starting to come into it’s own. Forty years ago you had 5 channels or less on TV dependent upon how well the tin foil on the rabbit ears worked. […]