Why do only 25% of LinkedIn members use the site on a regular basis? Because most don’t know what to do after signing up. If you haven’t figured out how to use LinkedIn these resources will help.
Linked In
The Top 5 Mistakes on LinkedIn
I often write about things you should do on LinkedIn to maximize your effectiveness. Today we’re going to look at the other side of the equation…the mistakes. The five mistakes listed here are related to your ability to eventually monetize LinkedIn.
LinkedIn Benefits Don’t Follow a Straight Line
Most of us joined LinkedIn because we hoped that it would somehow impact our bottom line. That at some point down the road we would be rewarded with some economic return. I’ve been fortunate in that it has generated business for me. Just as important, it has helped me provide value to those that I have connected to.
Straight line benefits include developing new partners or alliances and developing new client’s. Crooked line benefits include introducing connections, writing recommendations, and simply helping others.
Why Do People Join LinkedIn Groups?
Back in the old days, pre group discussions or a searchable group directory (less than a year ago), there wasn’t much value in groups. Sure they helped you see other members outside of your network. You could contact those members, but there really wasn’t a significant way to interact and build community.
I finally resorted to creating a non-LinkedIn site to provide that sense of community for one group (www.northfultonbg.com). With the addition of the searchable directory and the discussions features the equation changed. Now you can interact with others. The problem is that few people are participating.
Last Friday was the North Fulton Chamber expo and as the volunteer coordinator, about 80% of my time was spent doing that as opposed to actually working. I’m catching up so I will take the short cut of posting the following LinkedOut cartoons instead of an actual post. Hope you enjoy. ***If you cant read the cartoon text, […]