A recent tool that I discovered is When to Tweet that analyzes when your followers are active and gives you a personalized recommendation on what the best time of day for you to tweet is.
Twitter Infographic
A Twitter infographic that share some some statistics on demographics, interesting facts, business use statistics, and more.
Online Strategy Using Social Media
Strategies are like excuses. Some people have them some people don’t. Some are good and some not so good. Some are so good that you file it away should you need it in the future. Today I offer you an online marketing excuse of a strategy that incorporates social media.
Social Media Allows David to Out-Market Goliath
Ten years ago LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook did not exist. Twenty years ago hardly anyone had a personal computer. Thirty years ago Cable Television was just starting to come into it’s own. Forty years ago you had 5 channels or less on TV dependent upon how well the tin foil on the rabbit ears worked. […]
What’s the Point of Social Media?
Have you ever stopped to ask yourself that question? How did you answer it? What if we ask someone else? Are they likely to give the same answer or a different one?
How’s Your Social Media Swing?
I’ve heard it all. Social media is the greatest evolution in marketing to its the biggest waste of time and money. I agree with both. Its not the tool itself but how it is used. How is your Social Media swing?