A recent tool that I discovered is When to Tweet that analyzes when your followers are active and gives you a personalized recommendation on what the best time of day for you to tweet is.
Twitter Infographic
A Twitter infographic that share some some statistics on demographics, interesting facts, business use statistics, and more.
I Suck and I’m Not Worth Following
Would you ever tweet that you Suck and You’re Not Worth Following on your Twitter account. I wouldn’t, yet every day I see people doing it.
How’s Your Social Media Swing?
I’ve heard it all. Social media is the greatest evolution in marketing to its the biggest waste of time and money. I agree with both. Its not the tool itself but how it is used. How is your Social Media swing?
Top Moments in Social Media
I was doing some research the other day and decided to see if I could find the definitive moments in social media. I was able to find numerous yearly top 10 reviews but didn’t have much success finding a list from the early 2000’s to today. So even though I didn’t find “the” top moments, […]
Social Media, Cheesecake, and Paying Attention: $5.99 to Create a Fanatic
How Twitter, a piece of cheesecake, and paying attention created a brand fanatic for only $5.99.