The Social Media Sonar blog wins international Blogoff II competition featuring writers from 6 countries. See what social media lessons were learned and includes a 50% discount on LinkedIn books by Sean Nelson as a thanks to everyone for reading and posting comments suring the competition.
The 4 C’s of Social Media
In 2010 I think we’re at a similar point. Social Media/Networking is still viewed by some as not a business requirement but I expect that will change over the next year. Some will do so because they get it, others because they fear getting left behind. Even if they’re not sure what it is they might be left behind by.
To start off the new year I’m going to discuss what I call the 4 C’s of social media. These are the four concepts we focus on with our clients.
5 Ways to Communicate Your Message on LinkedIn (Part 8 of 10)
When I first joined LinkedIn I thought that this would be a good place to network and connect to other professionals. What I’ve learned since is that LinkedIn is a great place to communicate your message to millions of business professionals.
A Case of LinkedIn Spam?
Today I received a message from a fellow group member that at first I assumed was legitimate. Now I’m not so sure. I’m going to leave the final decision up to you. Was I spammed by a fake LinkedIn profile?
Social Media Sonar September Posts
September was a busy and productive month with 7 posts, including the first three parts of my 10 part LinkedIn series “Can LinkedIn Work for You?”. This month also included a primer on Twitter speak and a graphic detailing the social media/networking process.
Do You Speak Twittinese?
Social networking and social media are introducing new languages in order to communicate. For those of you still working on speaking the native language of Twittinese, I offer this basic primer course.