I was doing some research the other day and decided to see if I could find the definitive moments in social media. I was able to find numerous yearly top 10 reviews but didn’t have much success finding a list from the early 2000’s to today. So even though I didn’t find “the” top moments, […]
Social Media, Cheesecake, and Paying Attention: $5.99 to Create a Fanatic
How Twitter, a piece of cheesecake, and paying attention created a brand fanatic for only $5.99.
4 Twitter Statistics to Encourage Tweeting
I was doing some research this week reading various blogs and news articles and decide to write down some of the statistics that caught my eye. A set of these statistics focussed on Twitter and how people are using the service to take action.
Social Media Short on Miracles
And now a special announcement: Social Media does not produce miracles and will not work for you if you don’t know what it is that you do (very well I hope) and what messages you want to send to deliver your compelling offer or interesting (people actually want to consume it) content.
The Missing Social Media Ingredient
Social Media is everywhere. They talk about it on the news and radio, there are articles in newspapers and magazines, and searching “Social Media” on Google returns 194 million results.
If you want to learn more about it there are hundreds of thousands of blogs, podcasts, and videos available to review. There is no excuse why you cannot figure out how to put social media to work for you. Well maybe one excuse.
Is Twitter Noise or a Valid Business Tool?
I’ve talked about the tools we use with our clients in the past, segmenting them as social networking tools (sharing conversations) or social media (sharing content). The reality is that on social networks you can share content and with the social media tools you can have conversations. The one that splits the difference is Twitter. Its the one that many business people don’t get.