Ten years ago LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook did not exist. Twenty years ago hardly anyone had a personal computer. Thirty years ago Cable Television was just starting to come into it’s own. Forty years ago you had 5 channels or less on TV dependent upon how well the tin foil on the rabbit ears worked. […]
LinkedIn Labs Tests Out New Tools
Many people are not aware that LinkedIn has a site where they feature internal projects. These not-ready for prime time tools may or may not be relevant but they are interesting. We review the 6 available tools in LinkedIn Labs.
Post Blog to Multiple LinkedIn Groups at the Same Time
One of the things I like about social media is that as a developing medium it sometimes takes a little creativity to accomplish what you might want. Recently we had a client that engaged us to help drive traffic to their internal jobs postings. One of the first places I thought of posting these opportunities was in the jobs board in LinkedIn groups.
What’s the Point of Social Media?
Have you ever stopped to ask yourself that question? How did you answer it? What if we ask someone else? Are they likely to give the same answer or a different one?
How’s Your Social Media Swing?
I’ve heard it all. Social media is the greatest evolution in marketing to its the biggest waste of time and money. I agree with both. Its not the tool itself but how it is used. How is your Social Media swing?
The New LinkedIn Inbox
I woke up this morning and saw that LinkedIn finally aded the new inbox to my account. I first saw the inbox about 2 months ago and wondered when it would be released to more people. Most of my client’s still have the old inbox, so if you have not been upgraded be patient. It […]