Todays LinkedOut comic is about Naked and Partially Nude LinkedIn profiles. I include a list of the Top 10 (actually 12) Mistakes or Omissions. Did I miss any?
LinkedIn profile
10 Part Series: Can LinkedIn Work for You?
In November I wrote a post about the ways you can use LinkedIn. From that post I followed up with a post on 9 areas of using LinkedIn. Part 10 was released last week. Here are all 10 parts of the series. LinkedIn has changed since this series started, but most of the articles should still be very relevant. Enjoy.
Is Your LinkedIn Profile Mismatched?
Your LinkedIn profile is your brand and when you fudge the facts they can come back to bite you. “Fake it until you make it” may be a common refrain, but so is “it’s the first impression that counts”.
How Good is Your Profile?
The Linkulator allows you to grade your profile and compare it to the Average LinkedIn user (at least of those who have completed it). It takes a couple of minutes and will provide you with a numeric score of your profile, display the average user score, and then it classifies your score and provides some tips on how to improve your profile.
Wednesday LinkedOut Comic 07: Update Your Profile
When you created your account on LinkedIn one of the first things you probably did was to create a profile. Creating a profile is one of the more time intensive tasks you will do on LinkedIn. It’s a process that should never end. As your experience, knowledge and career progresses you should continuously update it.
LinkedIn Part 9: Be found
Think of your LinkedIn profile as an interactive billboard. The billboard has been erected but you’re waiting for traffic to drive down the road. You can wait and hope that someone takes a wrong turn and sees you, or you can try to detour traffic past your billboard.