I’ve been writing a white paper that included a section on website design and thought it would be interesting to pick a site and see how it had evolved over the last 15 years. Apple has been a design innovator over the last 30 years so who better to look at to see how their […]
Move WordPress Site to a New Host
Step by step instructions on how to move a Wordpress site to a new host. Includes instructions and photos.
Can Your Facebook Presence Be Hijacked?
Do you have a Places or Community page for your business? If so you may be at risk of your information being hijacked and changed by visitors.
LinkedIn Infographic
LinkedIn infographic that helps you optimize your profile, extend your reach, and leverage linkedin tools by sharing 10 linkedin tips and strategies.
Two Cool Website Tools
Two web design tools that I’ve discovered that simplify creating html and css layouts, and help you create custom color palettes.
YouTube Infographic
A YouTube Infographic that contains interesting facts and usage statistics.
When to Tweet?
A recent tool that I discovered is When to Tweet that analyzes when your followers are active and gives you a personalized recommendation on what the best time of day for you to tweet is.
Twitter Infographic
A Twitter infographic that share some some statistics on demographics, interesting facts, business use statistics, and more.
Are You Lacking Social Media Faith?
Having social media faith is what will keep you on track when you’re not seeing results. If your social media plan is not performing or non-existent maybe you need a little social media faith.
Why LinkedIn is Important to Small Businesses
Social Media/Networking has expanded the opportunity to have conversations with your prospects, increased the availability of information on companies and individuals, and provided new opportunities to deliver your message to tens of thousands of individuals and companies.