Facebook Badges
Profile Badge: Share your Facebook information on other websites.
Photo Badge: Share your Facebook photos on other websites.
Like Badge: Show off your favorite Pages on your website or blog.
Page Badge: Share your Facebook Page information on other websites.
Social Plugins
Like Button: The Like button lets users share pages from your site back to their Facebook profile with one click.
Recommendations: The Recommendations plugin gives users personalized suggestions for pages on your site they might like.
Login Button: The Login Button shows profile pictures of the user’s friends who have already signed up for your site in addition to a login button.
Comments: The Comments plugin lets users comment on any piece of content on your site.
Activity Feed: The Activity Feed plugin shows users what their friends are doing on your site through likes and comments.
Like Box: The Like Box enables users to like your Facebook Page and view its stream directly from your website.
Facepile: The Facepile plugin displays the Facebook profile pictures of users who have liked your page or have signed up for your site.
Live Stream: The Live Stream plugin lets your users share activity and comments in real-time as they interact during a live event.