When you created your account on LinkedIn one of the first things you probably did was to create a profile. Creating a profile is one of the more time intensive tasks you will do on LinkedIn. It’s a process that should never end. As your experience, knowledge and career progresses you should continuously update it.
Linked Out
Wednesday Comic 06: Duplicate LinkedIn Accounts
Ever feel like you’ve connected to someone previously? Deja Vu? No, they probably just have two LinkedIn accounts. If you are one of the duplicate accounts folks you’ll have to contact LinkedIn to have one of the accounts removed. Click on the Help button at the top of the LinkedIn page and under the FAQ’s you’ll […]
Wednesday Comic 05: LinkedIn User Guide
Wednesday LinkedOut comic looking at LinkedIn user guide and resources
Wednesday Comic: LinkedOut 4
Wednesday LinkedOut comic # 4. Every now and then I find I need to take a break from LinkedIn. How about you, do you ever just need to get away from it so that you can find a fresh perspective?
Wednesday Comic: LinkedOut 03
LinkedOut comic number 3. How do you balance privacy with the need to show enough information to have a profile that works? Do you allow your connections to see your contacts? If not, why have you chosen not to?
Wednesday Comic: LINKEDOUT 02
LinkedOut: a comic strip about LinkedIn