I’m fairly open about how people connect on LinkedIn. You want to be an open networker, I’m with you. You want to be a closed networker, hey if it works for you great. Whichever way you choose you still have a obligation to those you connect with to guard the information you have gained through […]
Linked Out
Wednesday LinkedOut Comic: Two For One Special
Todays comics mark the start of the fourth month of posting the LinkedOut comics and there are two to review.
Wednesday LinkedOut Comic 12: Spare a Few Connections?
The concept to this comic just popped into my head one day and here I am months later trying to see how I can use it to make a point or share some wisdom. Thoughts on the canned LinkedIn invitation.
Wednesday LinkedOut Comic 10: Naked Profiles
Todays LinkedOut comic is about Naked and Partially Nude LinkedIn profiles. I include a list of the Top 10 (actually 12) Mistakes or Omissions. Did I miss any?
Wednesday Comic 09: Expanding Your Network
Connecting is a contact sport. If you want to build your network you need to be active on LinkedIn, seek out others to connect, and utilize offline networking to meet others.
Wednesday Comic 08: LinkedIn Answers
If you have small children you really will get this comic. LinkedIn answers is a great place to share and gain knowledge. It’s also the primary place that you can interact with the entire LinkedIn network.