-Step 1: Strategy
-Step 2: Content
-Step 3: Website
-Step 4: SEO/SEM
-Step 5: Community
-Step 6: Syndication
-Step 7: Tracking
The strategy is not built around social media; its built around your goals and objectives. What is it that you are trying to accomplish and how do you map a path to get there?
There are 7 components of the Engage 360 Process for developing an Online Marketing Strategy Incorporating Social Media:
- Develop an Integrated Online Marketing Strategy that Incorporates Social Media
- Develop Content that Supports the Online Marketing Strategy
- Develop a Customer/Prospect Focussed Website based on the Online Marketing Strategy
- Optimize Initiatives for SEO and SEM based on the Online Marketing Strategy
- Build Geo Targeted Communities in Social Networks based on Online Marketing Strategy
- Syndicate Content based on Online Marketing Strategy
- Track and Measure Results to Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Online Marketing Strategy
Once we create the Online Marketing Strategy everything that follows is driven by it. This is important because most marketing efforts fail because there is no path to follow. You try something and when it doesn’t work immediately you try something else. Randomness and Spontaneity are not positives when it comes to marketing.
Consider this: Two cars passing each other at 60 mph in a open parking lot would be dangerous, yet the same two cars passing each other on a two-lane highway is perfectly acceptable. The yellow lines keep each vehicle in its’ lane. Your strategy is the yellow lines of your marketing efforts.
Continue to the next page of the Engage360 Blueprint. Step1: Developing an Online Marketing Strategy