Just to clarify…I don’t really make any money writing about LinkedIn. At least not yet. I’ve written a LinkedIn book but so far I’m about 5 months behind when I thought it would actually be published. Every couple of months delay means that I have to go back and edit it to make sure it’s up to date. If you’re interested it can be found at www.linked101.com.
My book is a nuts and bolts look at everything on LinkedIn and tells you what it means and what it can do for you. The last four chapters deal with strategies and “Do’s and Dont’s”.
There are some other good resources such as Jason Alba’s book “I’m on LinkedIn, Now What”. Jason’s book takes a higher level approach than mine and doesn’t get down and dirty in the details. It was the first LinkedIn book that I bought and it was money well spent.
Jason’s a little more prolific as a blogger than I am and can be counted on to at least add a post a week. His book and blog can be found at www.imonlinkedinnowwhat.com. Check him out.
Another great source is Scott Allen’s www.linkedintelligence.com. Scott is no longer blogging about LinkedIn, but it’s worth taking the time to read through some old posts.
These should keep you busy if you’re interested in learning more about LinkedIn.