Today’s comics mark the start of the fourth month of posting the LinkedOut comics and there are two to review. The first simply takes an extreme view of prospecting on LinkedIn. When I created the cartoon the Companies section did not exist. With the addition of it you have another powerful tool to identify potential prospects.
It then shows you how you are connected into your targets. If you’re not using it, you’re not using all of the clubs in your bag.
The second simply wonders what would happen if Freddie and Michael Meyers (it may be Jason Voorhies from Friday the 13th) connected. I think it’s one of my favorites because there isn’t a point to it. It was meaningless fun.
This will be the last LinkedOut comics for a while…need to find some time to create some new ones. In the mean time I’m bringing in a pinch hitter. JD Gershbein of Owlish Communications will be taking the reins indefinitely.
JD’s cartoons focus on social media, not just LinkedIn, so he should expand the conversation. He’ll provide the cartoons and I’ll try to provide some commentary on what the cartoon says about LinkedIn.
Have a great day.