I try to read as many LinkedIn blogs each week. It’s getting harder as some of the best are disapearing. My favorite, LinkedIntelligence stopped posting on a regular basis about a month ago. MyPowerLinkedIn forum no longer covers linked in the same, as it was asked to stop using the word LinkedIn as part of the name. These are sites that talked and evangelized LinkedIn well before it was cool to the masses.
There are still a few that are worth reading…Imonlinkedinnowwhat, The Executives Guide to LinkedIn, The LinkedIn User’s Manual, and of course LinkedIn’s own blog.
I would expect that LinkedIn would use their blog to communicate with their 22 plus million users, but instead it seems to be aimed at developers and people in the tech industry. I get the feeling that it’s more important to them to talk about how cool they are in using the latest technologies that the average user could care less about.
Us users want to know how to use the site better, how other people are benefitting from LI, and what are you working on that will help us network better and grow our businesses. Every now and then a post touches on a user oriented topic, but they are few and far between. We don’t care what conference you recently presented at or how your interns first day was.
At a minimum, if LI is using their blog to shine their image with the tech and venture world, then they should create a second blog that is dedicated to it’s users. The techies and venture folks may be what pays the bills, but the users are what establishes the value.