At some point in the next week I will pass 200 connections. There was a time when I couldn’t imagine having more than 100 connections much less 200. Many of these people I know and some are people that I crossed paths with at the chamber and would like to get to know.
The separation is simply a matter of have I sat down with each person for an hour or not. LinkedIn makes it so easy to connect that we often mistake the number of connections we have (the width) with having an effective network (the depth). It’s important to strive for both, but it will take more work to create depth in your relationships.
I could add 100 new connections in a day by simply becoming an open networker, but it would take me a couple of months to create depth with 100 connections.
The way to solve the width/depth division is to connect with those you meet and meet with those you connect. It’s time to get active. This will help you build your network and provide value to your connections. My thought is if you are connected to someone that you would not want to meet with for an hour, than why connect.
Depth Exercise: Go to your connections on LinkedIn and look at them. If there is anyone that you have not met with, schedule an appointment. If you have met with everyone, call those you have not met with in the last 3 or 6 months and schedule a time to have a cup of coffee.
Have a great day.