Today’s post, LinkedIn infographic is the third in the series. You can view the first two, Twitter Infographic and YouTube Infographic by clicking on the links.
LinkedIn continues to be the only major social network focused exclusively on business professionals. Its not as casual as Facebook and not as flippant as Twitter. Today’s infographic focuses on how to be “the man or woman” on LinkedIn. It includes 10 tips that will help you:
- Optimize your profile
- Extend your reach
- Leverage the tools
All three are equally important if you want to drive new business from Linkedin.
If you have a great profile and no one sees it you’ve accomplished nothing. If you have a great network and belong to several groups you’ll still miss out on opportunities if your profile is lacking. Finally, if you are using the available tools such as Answers, Polls, Status Updates, etc. but still have a poor profile, you may drive people back to your inadequate profile, but you’ll likely find that you have nothing to show for your work.
Your profile is the hub of your Linkedin existence. Its your landing page. It should tell people who you are, what you do, how you help people, where they can get more information, and even how to take the next step if they want to engage you or your products and services.
Next I would start naturally building your connections. Connect to you natural network, to people you meet at networking events, and even reach out to those you would like to know. Start looking for groups to join such as:
- Those where potential your customers or clients are
- Industry related groups where you can make connections that can become partners, vendors, or referral sources
- Alumni groups, whether corporate or school based, where you can reconnect to old friends or find new ones
- Topic related groups where you can expand your knowledge
- A group that you start and grow
Finally, kick start your activity by answering questions to help others and demonstrate your knowledge, engage in group discussions by joining existing conversations or start your own, post status update to share content, ask questions, or share success stories, and finally using the search function to prospect.
Success takes time so be patient and consistent in your activity. My LinkedIn infographic should help you get started (click image to view full size).
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