A Quick Twitter Rant
Would you ever tweet that message on your Twitter account. I wouldn’t, yet every day I see people doing it.
Of course they are not doing it on purpose. In fact I think many feel they are actually to some degree shaming those that un-followed them. They just don’t realize that the jokes on them.
You can recognize these “I Suck” posts easily, they look like this: @ayz_abc @123_456 @some_person @yougetthepoint un-followed me today … checked by http:/any-number-of-twitter-followers-sites.com
So if you are someone who tweets the names of people who un-follow you, what’s the purpose? What do you hope to get out of the tweet. Do you actually think that someone that un-followed you is suddenly going to say “Sorry about that, please let me re-follow you”.
Do you actually take an un-follow so personal that you have to comment on it. I don’t get it.
When I see these tweets my first thought isn’t what a mean person to un-follow another human being. MY thoughts are how bad must this person’s tweets be for someone to un-follow them.
Am I missing something here?
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