Have you ever wondered how your presence on LinkedIn compares to the average LinkedIn user. Last year I created the Linkulator to allow people to score their profile and presence numerically. You simply answer some questions about your profile and participation in things such as Answers and Recommendations. It then calculates a score and displays the average score of everyone who has computed a score. It also classifies your presence based on your score and offers some tips to improve.
I’ve made some tweaks, although technical issues (mainly my lack of knowledge in combining PHP, mysql, and Swishmax2 into a functioning app) prevented me from doing everything I had hoped to do. Still it’s one of the few free tools (Toys, what’s the diference) out there.
If someone else had created the tool they might have placed emphasis on different features or weighted things differently. This is just a fun tool to use, nothing more. Your rscore will be determined by how active you’ve been in some key areas. While a high score is good, your true score on LinkedIn is based on how it has enhanced your network and led to new business. Dollars are what really count.
What’s your score? …Go to the Linkulator