Almost one year ago I started a 10 part series on LinkedIn asking the question “Can LinkedIn work for you?” LinkedIn has changed somewhat in the last year, so I think now is a good time to revisit the series. Starting this week I’m going to take a look at each article and update them. In some cases I’ll combine or delete those that are no longer relevant and add one or two new parts.
There are over 45 million people now on LinkedIn but only about 25% are active users. I don’t really know why some people sign up but do no participate and others hit the ground running from day one. What I do know is that once you find some success you’re likely to become a regular user.
For the first two years that I was on LinkedIn I was simply a member. It wasn’t until I actually developed new clients from being on LinkedIn that I became a regular user. At that point I decided if LinkedIn could help me grow my business than I better know as much as possible about it.
You can grow your business and make money by being an active participant. I know this for a fact and can point to clients that I have that I would not have if it were not for LinkedIn. I know that as I grow my network I find more opportunities. I know that the more I learn and participate the more I encounter new opportunities.
One of the first things that I realized about LinkedIn was that it was simply a tool, much like my chamber of commerce, that could help me connect to others. For some people membership in a chamber is economically beneficial. For other it’s a waste of time and money.
It’s how you use the tool that determines the winners and losers.
Over the next 9 articles in this series I will try to lay out a foundation for using LinkedIn to generate business. This is simply a platform in which you will need to adapt to your business and yourself to find success. LinkedIn is personal in that what works for one person may not work for another.
Here are some of the topics we’ll cover:
- Why are you on LinkedIn?
- Create Your Online Brand
- Enhance and Expand Your Current Networking
- Extending Your Reach
- Build Credibility…Know, Like, and Trust
- New Opportunities/New Employees
- Prospecting for People and Companies
- Communicating Your Message
- Growing Your Business
- A Part of Your Social Media Strategy
Whether you are an active member or still waiting to figure it out, over the next nine articles you’ll learn some tips and strategies to put to use. Some of these you’ll be able to put to immediate use; others will require that you adapt them to your specific needs.
I’ll end today’s post with 4 Keys to Success:
- The Right Perspective = The Right Activities
- Expanding Your Reach = Expanding Your Opportunities
- Providing Value to Others = Know, Like, & Trust
- More Activity = More Success
This is the start of the conversation. It’s not meant to be one-sided so join the conversation by adding your insights. Whether you agree or disagree with the points that I make, the conversation becomes that much more powerful when you participate.
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